Translator’s Note and Index : I took on this small project work with the intention of adding this work to our ongoing series “ defending saheeh al-Bukhaari “ on and to serve as an answer ...
الفرع الثاني: في جواز الجرح ووقوعه (2) قد عاب بعضُ من لا يفهم على أهل الحديث الكلام في الرجال، لأنهم لم يقفوا على الغرض من ذلك، ولا أدركوا المقصد فيه، وإنما حمل أصحاب الحديث على الكلام في الرجال، وتعديل من عدَّلوا، وجرح ...
TABLE OF CONTENTS A) What is Tadlees [very brief definition] B) Topic : Whoever is accused of, or committs tadlees even once (or a few times) , are all his mua’nan narrations rejected? 1) THE TADLEES OF ISMAIL ...
The Following is an abridged and slightly modified translation from Shaykh Kifayatullah’s risalah in his Majallah but also taken/ based on shaykh albani’s tashreeh [] Shaykh Kifayatullah hafidhahullah begins saying that some muhadditheen have taken ...
The Science of Sanad is very intrinsic and a meticulous study. A short example displaying its meticulousness is the following paragraph that reflects the keen eye of the muhadditheen ——————– Al-Imamul Muslimeen Majd ud-deen al-Jazary ibn al-Athir (D. 606 A.H) said ...
Topic : Zawabit al-Jarh wa Ta`deel Based on : Shaykh `Abdul `Azeez ibn Muhammad ibn Ibraahim al-`Abdul-Lateef (rahimahillah) book ...
Briefly explaining the different sayings on the underlying conditions in accepting a jarh or ta’deel
The Acceptance of Jarh and Ta’deel if it is Done with Explanation or Without Meaning, if the person who does Jarh or Ta’deel, is it a must that he must explains his position, without him giving the ...