إذا سلمت الجمعة سلمت الأيام،
If the day of friday is salamat (has many translations so avoided for brevity) then all the (remaining) days are salamat.
Imam suyuti in Al-la’ali’ al-Masnu`a fi al-Ahadith al-Mawdu`at (2/88); Imam shawkani in al-Fawaid al-Majmoo` (page 93); Imaam ibn jawzi in al-Mawdoo`at (2/194); Hafidh `Iraqi in takhreej al-Ihya (2/9); Al-Allamah Taahir patni in tadhkirat al-Mawdoo`at (page 70); Imaam `Ajluni in Kashf al-Khafa’ wa Muzil al-Albas ‘an ma-shtahara min al-Ahadith ‘ala Alsinah al-Nas – Unveiling the Hidden Truth and Removing the Confusion about the Ahadith that are Widespread upon the Tongues of the People (1/91) and Shaykh Albaanee in Al-dha`eefah (2565);