The childish brain level of people of kalaam —————– The childish brain level of people of kalaam make them put forward such baseless accusations. Against the Ahl al-hadeeth (Muhadditheen) of his time, the Mu`tazili scholars an-Nazzam (D. 231 ...
The Science of Sanad is very intrinsic and a meticulous study. A short example displaying its meticulousness is the following paragraph that reflects the keen eye of the muhadditheen ——————– Al-Imamul Muslimeen Majd ud-deen al-Jazary ibn al-Athir (D. 606 A.H) said ...
This article is summarized , abridged and translated from the actual work of Shakh Ghulam Mustafa Zaheer hafidhahullah and an idiomatic translation is used. The practise of reciting Qur`an, or some dhikr and tasbeehat either afront or ...
Tags: Ahad narration Bismillah was-salatu was-salaam `ala rasoolAllah , `Amma Ba`d : Depending on the number of the reporters of the hadeeth in each stage of the isnad, i.e. in each generation of reporters, it can be classified into ...
This article has been removed by the admin fearing its mis-application by certain groups and individuals. ...
This is one of the principles of this deen, among the Usool al-Fiqh that a command or instruction that specifies something extra is imposed upon a general command that does not specify that “Extra” bit. Lack of the basic Islamic ...
TABLE OF CONTENTS The Main Hadeeth around which these attacks against Sahaaba revolve 1) Accusations 2) Our Answers 3) DID IBN `UMAR DESIRE KHILAFAH? 4) WHEN WAS THE MEETING HELD ? 5) Did Mu`awiyah (r.a) consider himself more worthy of the caliphate than `Umar (r.a) ? 5.1) ...
This small treatise is taken from : حكاية المناظرة في القرآن مع بعض أهل البدعة The author of which is the famous : Imaam Ibn Qudaamah – بو محمد موفق الدين عبد الله بن أحمد بن محمد بن قدامة الجماعيلي المقدسي ...
A person is asked 3 questions in the grave, one of which is: “…مَا كُنْتَ تَقُولُ في هذا الرَّجُلِ” “What do you say about this man…” [Sahih Bukhari 1347] Some people hold the view that the word “this” is used for pointing at ...