Weak Hadeeth #7: The Prophet went to Israa Meraj only with his soul
حدثنا ابن حميد ، قال : ثنا سلمة ، عن محمد ، قال : ثني بعض آل أبي بكر ، أن عائشة كانت تقول : ما فقد جسد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، ولكن الله أسرى بروحه .
It is reported on the authority of `Aisha (r.a) that she said (interp) : ” The Messenger of Allah did not go with his body but rather Allah made him undertake Israa` (wal meraj) via his soul only
[Ref: Tafseer at-Tabari (15/13) : http://library.islamweb.net/newlibrary/display_book.php?idfrom=2976&idto=2976&bk_no=50&ID=2996]
This narration is weak and rejected. Weak because the sanad reported by Tabari did not mention who among ” آل أبي بكر” narrated it. The narrators are unknown .
Rejected because this is not the stance taken by the majority of scholars.