Weak Hadeeth #4: Remember Allah so much that the hypocrites say you’re showing off or are mad
515 – ” اذكروا الله ذكرا يقول المنافقون: إنكم تراءون “.
From Ibn `Abbas that the Prophet (s.a.w) said : “Remember Allah so much that the Munafiqeen say he is showing off! “
Narrated by Tabraani in (1/77/3); Abu Nu`aym in Hilya (3/80-81) from the route :
بسنده عن سعيد بن سفيان الجحدري عن الحسن بن أبي جعفر عن عقبة بن أبي ثبيت الراسبي عن أبي الجوزاء عن ابن عباس مرفوعا.
10) Daraqutni said : He is not strong in hadeeth and in his Sunan he said Dha`eef
” أكثروا ذكر الله حتى يقول المنافقون: إنكم مراءون
From Ibn `Abbas that the Prophet (s.a.w) said : “Remember Allah so much that the Munafiqeen say you are insincere (hypocrites) “
Ibn al-Mubarak in his Zuhd (1/204 no 1022] and `Abdullah ibn Ahmad in Zawaid az-Zuhd (page 108) ; Bayhaqi in Sha`b al-Emaan from the route
سعيد بن زيد عن عمرو بن مالك عن أبي الجوزاء مرفوعا
“Remember Allah so much that it is said (about you) that you’re crazy! “