If you don’t feel ashamed then do what you like
The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said:
” آخر ما أدرك الناس من كلام النبوة الأولى، إذا لم تستح فاصنع ما شئت “.
“The last of what the people have got from the early prophecies is, If you don’t feel ashamed, then do whatever you like”
It is narrated by Ibn Asaakir in “Taareekh Dimashq” from the hadeeth of Abu Mas’ood al-Badree (radiallah anhu). Al-Manaawi said in “Faydh al-Qadeer” that: “Its chain is weak because of the weakness of Fath al-Misri. However, it is supported by what Al-Bayhaqi narrated in “Al-Shu’ab” from Abu Mas’ood with the wording: “(…إن آخر ما بقي من النبوة الأولى) Indeed the last of what remained from the early prophecies….” and the remaining wording is the same. In fact, Imaam Bukhaari narrated it from Abu Mas’ood with the wording: “(…إن مما أدرك الناس) Verily, from one of the things the people got…” and the rest is the same as here.
Shaykh Albaani said: It is also narrated by Bayhaqi in “Al-Anbiyaa” (2/379), and in “al-Adab” (4/140), and by Bykhaari in Al-Adab al-Mufrad (579, 1316) and similarly Abu Dawood (4797) and Ibn Maajah (4183) through the route of Mansoor, he said: I heard Rib’ee bin Hiraash narrating from Abu Mas’ood this narration.
And Abu Maalik al-Ashja’ee has opposed Mansoor in the chain of this narration as he narrated it from Rib’ee bin Hiraash (but) from Hudhayfah (instead of Abu Mas’ood) and he narrated it from the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) he narrated it with the wording: “(إن آخر ما تعلق به أهل الجاهلية من كلام النبوة إذا لم) Certainly, the last of what the people of Jaahiliyyah held from the speech of the Prophets was if you do not feel…” It is narrated by Ahmed (5/405): He said, Yazeed bin Haaroon narrated to us, he said: Abu Maalik al-Ashja’ee informed us with this narration. And it is also narrated by Abu Nu’aym in “al-Hilyah al-Awliyaa” (4/371) and al-Khateeb in “Al-Taareekh” (12/135-136) through another route from Yazeed bin Haaroon with the same chain forward. However, Ahmed and Al-Khateeb have mentioned the addition of the wording: “(…المعروف كله صدقة، وإن) Every good thing is a charity and certainly…”
And this chain is Saheeh upon the conditions set forth by Muslim. As for Abu Maalik, his name is Sa’d bin Taariq, and this narration does not put any defect or harm on the narration of Mansoor mentioned above because – as Al-Haafidh said in “Al-Fath” (6/280) that: “It is not far-fetched that Rib’ee bin Hiraash would have heard this narration both from Abu Mas’ood as well as from Hudhayfah” i.e. he would narrate from one at one time and from another at other times, and this type of combination is not impossible to occur from him for indeed accusing a Thiqah person of a mistake is not permissible without Hujjah as is known in the science of Mustalah.
And with this, the hadeeth of Hudhayfah is a strong Shaahid for this narration of Ibn Asaakir – And Allaah is the source of strength.
Shaykh Albaani said, later I saw this hadeeth from Al-Akhmeemi in “His narrations from his Shuyookh” (1/2/2): He said: Muhammad (bin Abdullah bin Sa’eed al-Mihraani) narrated to us, he said: Muhammad bin Bashshaar narrated to us, he said: Yahya bin Sa’eed narrated to us, from Sufyaan, from Mansoor from Rib’ee bin Hiraash, with the same chain as Marfoo and with the wording: “(….آخر ما تعلق به الناس من كلام النبوة) The last of what the people held from the speech of the (early) Prophets….”. And the narrators of this chain are Thiqaat and the narrators of Shaykhayn with the exception of Al-Mihraani and I did not find his biography. However, Abu Nu’aym has narrated it in “Akhbaar Asbahaan” (2/78) from the route of Al-Hasan bin Ubayd from Rib’ee bin Hiraash with the same chain.
Thus these Mutaabi’aat are strong for Abu Maalik al-Ashja’ee proving that he did actually preserve what he narrated.
Silsilah Al-Ahaadeeth As-Saheehah by Shaykh Albaani (2/295-297 H. 684)