الفرع الثاني: في جواز الجرح ووقوعه (2) قد عاب بعضُ من لا يفهم على أهل الحديث الكلام في الرجال، لأنهم لم يقفوا على الغرض من ذلك، ولا أدركوا المقصد فيه، وإنما حمل أصحاب الحديث على الكلام في الرجال، وتعديل من عدَّلوا، وجرح ...
Sayyiduna Mu’adh ibn Jabal (radiyallahu ‘anhu) says that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) once took hold of his hand and said, ‘O Mu’adh! I Love you’. He then said ‘I advise you O Mu’adh, Never leave out ...
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1) The Hadeeth of Bara’ ibn `Azib (radhiallahu `anhu) Objection # 1 : Abu Ishaaq as-sub`i is the only one narrating this Answer to objection # 1 : Objection # 2 : Abu Ishaq is Mukhtalit (had ...
TABLE OF CONTENTS A) What is Tadlees [very brief definition] B) Topic : Whoever is accused of, or committs tadlees even once (or a few times) , are all his mua’nan narrations rejected? 1) THE TADLEES OF ISMAIL ...
Table of Contents 1. The hadeeth via Ibn `Abbas showing how the prophet moved his lips in the earlier stages so as to not forget the revelation being revealed via jibrael a.s 2. Objection # 1 : Ibn `Abbas did ...
The Following is an abridged and slightly modified translation from Shaykh Kifayatullah’s risalah in his Majallah but also taken/ based on shaykh albani’s tashreeh [http://www.ahlalhdeeth.com/vb/showthread.php?t=63360] Shaykh Kifayatullah hafidhahullah begins saying that some muhadditheen have taken ...
Questioner : the following hadeeth claims no man knows what is in the Jannah On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: Allah said: I have prepared for My ...
Table of Contents 1) From Abu Huraira 2) From another chain via Muhammad ibn Qudamah al-Jawhari 3) Another chain from Yahya ibnul-`Ala’ 4) From mother of believers `Aisha radhiallahu `anha – May allah curse those who revile her 4.1) Another narration from mother of the ...
THE MUNKIRUL HADEETH APOSTATES ATTACKING THE HADEETH ONCE AGAIN USING THEIR LOW I.Q Imam tirmidhi after recording this hadeeth in his Jami` (1455) via the chain : `Amr ibn abi `Amr from Ikrimah from Ibn `Abbas from the messenger “Whomever you see ...
Al-Baihaqi reported in his ‘Sunan’ and so did Al-Hakim in his ‘Mustadrak’ from Mulaikah Bint Amr al Jaafiya that she said: ‘The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said about the cow: “Its milk is a cure, ...